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Incident Response Plan

Be Prepared with PEN Testing

Application vulnerabilities remain a leading breach entry point into an enterprise, and nearly half of all breaches are classified as “hacking”. Enterprises need to be diligent in their deployments of online applications, websites, and systems and mitigate the risk against these hackers.

Application-level breaches can take a variety of forms; from Cross-Site Request Forgery, Cross-Site Scripting, insufficient or broken access controls, poor configurations, vulnerabilities of 3rd party components, and many more. These risks can lead to the exfiltration of critical, personal, and sensitive data, application hijacking, and system downtime.

Having applications undergo a professional penetration test on a regular basis helps inform a sound security program of its application vulnerabilities, and is required under some compliance laws. This type of testing can discover vulnerabilities that both static and dynamic testing systems can miss.

To help companies, of any size or in any location, reduce their risks of application breaches, Focused Cloud offers a Penetration (PEN) Testing solution for enterprise applications. This PEN Testing offering is designed with security standards and best practices plus affords any business quick insight into their application vulnerabilities.

This offering quickly assesses a limited number of pubic systems for the business and reports on remediation actions through a report tailored for the business and understandable by all team members.

Focus Cloud’s PEN Testing

offering allows quick and accurate insight into the application layer. This testing is quick and easy to implement and will help inform your business in extremely short order. Not only does the PEN Testing use application security standards, it generates valuable remediation steps.

Vulnerability Report and Remediation Plan

Creates actionable steps to reduce risk, specific to the application.


Reduce the risk of costly fines

Risk Management

Informs the likelihood and impact of risk.

Time to Knowledge

Reports are seen in a matter of days.


Measures application vulnerabilities against well-known security frameworks such as OWASP.

Security Program Support

Informs Security Program of application layer vulnerabilities.

Vendor Management

Can inform on 3rd party development and delivery efforts.